Call for Presentations
We are looking for you! If you have an idea for a presentation you’d like to give, please write to the RacketCon organizers for consideration. All Racket-y ideas are welcome. We’d love to have you!
Saturday, October 5th
Saturday, 8:30AM PDT
Doors Open
Breakfast won’t be served, so please eat before coming to the event.
Saturday, 9:00AM PDT
Stay tuned for an exciting keynote speaker announcement!
Saturday, 10:00AM PDT
Saturday, 10:30AM PDT
Jack Firth
Sorted collections in Rebellion
Saturday, 11:00AM PDT
Michael Ballantyne
A multi-language-oriented macro system
Racket’s macros are fantastic for building DSLs that mix well with general-purpose code and inherit Racket’s extensibility. But they suffer when it comes time to equip your DSL with an optimizing compiler or static analyses. There, the very closeness with Racket that makes language mixing and extension so easy gets in the way. In this talk I’ll present my `syntax-spec` metalanguage. It extends Racket’s macro system to allow specifications of DSLs as fragments of a multi-language: DSL and Racket code mix, but only at carefully delineated boundaries. The result is that optimizing compilation, language mixing, and extension combine constructively rather than clash.
Saturday, 12:00PM PDT
Ben Knoble
Saturday, 12:30PM PDT
A friendly Racketeer
Your Fascinating Racket Project
Did we mention that we are looking for you? If you have an idea for a presentation you’d like to give, please write to the RacketCon organizers for consideration. All Racket-y ideas are welcome.
Sunday, October 6th
Sunday, 9:00AM PDT
Doors Open
Breakfast won’t be served, so please eat before coming to the event.
Sunday, 9:30AM PDT
A friendly Racketeer
Your Fascinating Racket Project
Yes, you! If you have an idea for a presentation you’d like to give, please write to the RacketCon organizers for consideration. All Racket-y ideas are welcome.
Sunday, 11:00AM PDT
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
The State of Racket
Sunday, 11:30AM PDT
Racket Management
Racket Town Hall
Please come with your big questions and discussion topics.
Registration is not yet open. Come back soon to find a link!
Friendly Policy
The proceedings of RacketCon will take place under the Racket Friendly Environment Policy.
The RacketCon 2024 organizers are Jesse Alama, Matthew Flatt, Robby Findler, Siddhartha Kasivajhula, and Stephen De Gabrielle with local arrangements by Zach Tatlock and Sorawee Porncharoenwase. The organizers may be reached at
Previous RacketCons