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29–30 September 2018





(eighth RacketCon) is the meeting for everyone interested in Racket—a general-purpose programming language that’s also the world’s first ecosystem for developing and deploying new languages.

RacketCon is for developers, contributors, programmers, educators, and bystanders. It’s an opportunity for all of us to share plans, ideas, and enthusiasm, and help shape the future of Racket.

Live Stream

See the recorded morning stream and afternoon stream.


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R. Kent Dybvig is a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems, Inc. and Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Indiana University. He is the creator and primary developer of Chez Scheme and author of The Scheme Programming Language, published by MIT Press. He served as chair of the editorial committee for the Revised^6 Report on Scheme from 2006 until its completion in 2008.


This year, RacketCon will join the International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) and Strange Loop for a week of programming revelry in St. Louis, Missouri at the Union Station Hotel. Specifically, we are in the Illinois Central room on Saturday and in the Jeffersonian and Knickerbocker rooms on Sunday.


Early bird $75 individual · $45 student (until September 8)Standard $100 individual · $60 student (after September 8)

Buy your ticket at Eventbrite.

RacketCon attendees also get a fantastic group rate at the Union Station Hotel itself.


Saturday September 29

8:30–9:00 Breakfast & Registration9:00 Welcome9:05–10:15 Keynote: Kent Dybvig10:15–10:40 Break10:40–12:00 Jesse Tov
Ryan Culpepper
Chris GauthierDickey and Jeffrey Edgington
Jesse Alama
12:00–12:05 Brief Announcements and Group Picture12:05–14:00 Lunch at Landry’s14:00–15:00 Jon Zeppieri
Stephen R. Foster
David Storrs
15:00–15:20 Break15:20–16:40 Christopher Lemmer Webber and Morgan Lemmer-Webber
Philip McGrath
David Thrane Christiansen
Laurent Orseau
16:40–17:00 Break17:00–18:20 Nadeem Abdul Hamid
Pavel Panchekha
Jörgen Brandt
Eric Griffis

Saturday evening

19:00–23:00 Food & drink at Morgan Street.

Sunday September 30

This year during Office Hours we are organizing a handful of small groups of Racketeers to lead focused sections. Groups will be loosely united around a common field such as “types” or “web programming”. There are two different kinds of groups which we’re calling “teams” and “workshops”:

Teams are Racketeers who wish to work on community projects in a specific field. For example, a “testing team” may choose a set of Racket testing packages to improve with documentation, features, bug fixes, etc.

Workshops are Racketeers who wish to give Racket newcomers hands-on lessons in a specific field, such as with some sort of tutorial project.

Please see the coordination page on the wiki:
2018 RacketCon Office Hours Teams & Workshops.

8:30–9:00 Registration9:00 Welcome9:05–10:00 State of Racket: Matthew Flatt10:00–10:30 Break10:30–12:00 Session 1: Workshops12:00–14:00 Lunch at Maggie O’Brien’s14:00–15:30 Session 2: Teams & Workshops15:30–15:45 Break15:45–17:00 Session 3: Teams

Sponsors (#%kernel tier)

Matthew Butterick

Sponsors (big-bang tier)

David VandersonJesse AlamaBlack Swan Learning

Friendly Environment Policy

The Racket community aims to improve the world through programming. It started with the goal of introducing everyone to the wonderful world of program design, with a spirit of full inclusion and no emphasis on any specific group. Over time it has grown into a full-fledged professional community with a well-known reputation for helpfulness and openness on its on-line communication channels. The organizers want to encourage an equally open exchange of ideas at RacketCon, the community’s in-person meet-up.

This spirit requires an environment that enables all to participate without fear of personal harassment. We define harassment as unwelcome or hostile behavior, that is, behavior that focuses on people instead of ideas. The ACM’s anti-harassment policy lists a variety of specific unacceptable factors and behaviors. The organizers consider responses such as “just joking,” or “teasing,” or being “playful” as unacceptable.

Anyone witnessing or subject to unacceptable behavior should notify one of the RacketCon organizers (Matthew Flatt or Jay McCarthy.)

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, from a warning of the offender to an expulsion from the conference [without refund].

[The wording of this policy is directly derived from that of the SNAPL conference, with thanks.]


If you would like to sponsor, please contact the organizers. The #%kernel tier’s names and logos will appear on all RacketCon printed materials and advertisements.

Previous RacketCons


“I was wandering through the darkness, groping for anything to hold on to. The heat and exhaustion was unbearable and I felt that I could not move any longer. At the last moment before collapse, my fingers just barely touched something cold and solid. I stumbled forward and grasped at it with all my being. It was a door knob. When I opened the door, I stumbled through and felt a cool comfort that was indescribable in the moment. When my eyes acclimatized to my new surroundings, I realized that I was at RacketCon.”

—Satisfied Customer, RacketCon 2017